Caring Family Dentistry is Proud to Serve as Your Everett Dentist
Our Everett dentist is proud to provide high-quality dental services and attentive customer service to all of our wonderful patients! The team here at Caring Family Dentistry is committed to bringing healthy and beautiful smiles to every member of our community! We offer services in all areas of dentistry, including general, cosmetic, advanced, restorative, and emergency dentistry. If you are experiencing a dental health issue, or if you need a routine check-up, call out Everett dentist to schedule your next appointment!
If you require a general dental service, Caring Family Dentistry can help get your smile healthy and beautiful! Our Everett dentist prioritizes dental education, because a healthy smile starts at home! Every dental care routine needs to consist of brushing twice per day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing before bed, and visiting the dentist every six months for a cleaning. Dental cleanings are important because your smile can still suffer from gum disease and decay no matter how well you care for it at home. Plaque and bacteria harden into tartar on our smile, and then it can only be removed by a professional. We are always here to help care for your smile! If you have questions about how you can improve your oral health, call our office to schedule a consultation. We can get you the healthy and beautiful smile you've been dreaming of!
Our facilities are fully equipped to care for every dental health issue, big or small. We use the most advanced dental technology and equipment to help provide our patients with the best possible care. You can trust that you will always receive the highest-quality of care when you come to our office. Our updated technology and innovative treatments allow us to treat every patient effectively and efficiently, so you can quickly get back to your healthy smile.
If you are experiencing an extreme dental health issue, our team can help create a custom treatment plan that is unique to your specific needs. We can discuss your options with you and collaborate with you to find the best possible option for your smile. Our Everett dentist is passionate about providing unique and personalized care to each patient that comes to us seeking care. We guarantee that you will always get attentive and personal care at each visit.
Dental health emergencies can be very serious depending on the type of emergency. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, be sure to call 911 for medical attention. If you need dental care, call our emergency dentist right away. Clear signs of a dental emergency include shooting pain, excessive bleeding in the mouth, knocking out a tooth, fracturing a tooth, and painful swelling. If you have any of these signs, call our office and let us know you are on your way so we can prepare a room for your care. To help prevent a dental emergency, we recommend following a proper dental care routine and maintain regular check-ups. A proper dental hygiene routine can help to prevent some dental emergencies and can help keep your smile healthy, safe, and beautiful. Call our office for more information about dental emergencies.
To learn more about our services, or to schedule an appointment, call our office at (425) 745-6310 or fill out a contact form directly on our site. We are in the business of providing healthy and beautiful smiles, so we look forward to seeing you soon! Call today to book your next appointment with Caring Family Dentistry.